(Non Asbestos Gland Packings & Cartige
Technical Data Sheet |
SEAL Style: 1236 SL (PTFE / Graphite)
A packing braided from super plaited
form of PTFE Graphite fibers last long.
does not harden and runs cool, because
of their properties of resilience,
compressibility, low coefficient of
thermal expansion, best thermal
conductivity and lubricity. It replaces
the Blue Asbestos packing.
* For acids, dyes,
chemicals, wood pulp, detergents etc.
services. Specially of High}
speed applications in sugar, paper and
chemical industries.
* Not recommended to
Aquaregia. florine and Fuming Nitric
acid services.
* Temperature up to
300* C, pH range 0-14, Surface speed 25
Mtr/Sec. |
VD SEAL Style: 1274 PSI & SCPSI (
100% Armide Extra strong Packing)
It is made from tough Armide fibers,
strong as steel and smooth as silk, most
flexible for the special application for
pumping: viscous and granular fluids at
higher pressure. It is treated With PTFE
Dispersion & high temperature resisting
lubricants under controlled condition.
It is resilient, Consisting high tensile
strength, low thermal expansion,
minimizes shaft or sleeve abrasion.
* Recommended for Food,
Pharmaceuticals, Petro-chems, Pump and
Paper Mills,
Power plant and Chemical industries for solvents, mild acids and alkalies,
oil, digester pumps and high pressure dozing pumps.
* Temperature up to 300* C, pH range
o-12, Surface speed 15 Mtr/Sec.
Pure fleible graphite braided packing
(Non-Metalic) |
1238 EM-I & 1238 EM-SME - Pure fleible
graphite braided packing
In order to manufacture different kinds
of flexible graphite Braided packing
rope. different types of reinforced yam
has been used All different type of reinforced yam,
made through specially developed
process, In which flexible graphite
tapes used as principal material with
different types of reinforment &
suitable Binder, This braided flexible
graphite packing made of fibers and
metal alloy wires, are suitable for
sealing under different media,
circumstances, temp. and pressure.
The products are almost suitable to all
media. such as hot water. steam. acids.
alkalis. organic solvents. hydrocarbons.
low temperature liquids. etc. The
sealing capability is more better and
safe. It is the most effective composite
parts for solving problems.
This Product replaced & Used As
Non-Asbestos Valve Starn Packing Against
Conventional Asbestos Reinforcement
We Can Also Provide Die Mold Ring from
this packing as per your requirement
Non-Metalic Packing Reinforced With
Carbon. Graphite. FibreGlass Yam
Metallic Packing Yarn Reinfored with
s.s.wire, brass wire, inconel wire
This Packing & Molded Ring Can Be
Produce with corrosion inhibitors on
special demand of customers. to use this
products under severely corrosive
circumstances, for effective sealing
property |
Unit |
Data |
Carbon Content |
In Packing |
% |
>=80 |
In Flexible Graphite |
% |
>=98 |
% |
<=1.5 |
Volume Density |
G/cm3 |
0.9~1.3 |
Compressibility |
% |
25-50 |
Tempreture |
Cent. |
1650 Non-Oxidizing condition |
Cent. |
650 steam |
pH range |
0-14 |
Velocity |
m/s |
2 to 15 |
Pressure |
mpa |
9 to 45 |

VD SEAL Style : 1236 SL
( PTFE / Graphite
Packing )
A packing braided from super plaited from of
PTFE / Graphite Solid fibres last long, does
not harden and runs cool, because of their
properties of resilience, compressibility,
low coefficient of thermal expansion, best thermal
conductivity and lubricity.
It replaces the Blue Asbestos packing.
Service : Temperature up
to 3000C, PH range 0-14, Surface speed 25 M/Se.Pressure
5000 PSI |

VD SEAL Style : 123 SL (100% PTFE Gland
Compact interbraided 100% Pure Florocarbon
fibre packing, virtually a premium packing because of its
very low coefficient of friction and it
ensures an immediate response to pressure
Service : Temperature up
to 2600C, PH range 0-14, Surface speed 10 M/Sec. Pressure
Up To 4500 PSI |

VD SEAL Style : 1272
(Aramide/PTFE Super
Combination Packing)
It is
a cross-braided packing of Aramide fibres on
the corner and PTFE fibres on the faces.
Specially designed to meet the requirement of extremely high pressure
condition in reciprocating, equipments. Packing will not provided
extraneous stresses on plunger, which damage
both, packing and plunger under high
pressure condition.
Service : Temperature up
to 2600C, PH range 2-12, Surface speed 10 M/Sec.Pressure
7000 PSI |

VD SEAL Style : 1276
Graphite High
Temp-Super Combination Packing)
It is
an unique combination of strong Aramide
fibres and PTFE-GRAPHITE solid yarn to resist high
abrasion and high pressure. Offers excellent sealing at higher
temperature With
good heat dissipation and lubricity.
Service : Temperature up
to 2800C, PH range 2-11, Surface speed 16 M/Sec.Pressure
7000 PSI |

VD SEAL Style : 1274
(100% Armide Extra Strong Packing)
It is
a cross-braided packing of Aramide fibres on
the corner and PTFE fibres on the faces.
Specially designed to meet the requirement of extremely high pressure
condition in reciprocating, equipments. Packing will not provided
extraneous stresses on plunger, which damage
both, packing and plunger under high
pressure condition.
Service : Temperature up
to 2600C, PH range 2-12, Surface speed 10 M/Sec.Pressure
7000 PSI |

VD SEAL Style : 1238 E pure
Flexible Graphite
Braided Packing (Non-Metalic)
Packing Consist of Yarn Made of Flexible
Graphite Tape Reinforced With Different Type of High Temperature fibres like Carbon, Graphite, Fibre Glass, are suitable for sealing under Different Media, conditions, temperature and pressure.
Service : Temperature up
to 5000C, PH range 0-12, Surface speed 10M/Se. Pressure 5000 PSI

VD SEAL Style : 1211,SLR PTFE/Valve stem
Packing (Extruded)
Seal 100% Ptfe Extruded valve stem packing
is Universal
Packing Rope.
Round & Square, Size
in Diameter:3mm and above.
Temperature: up to 2500C PH
Range:0-14 |

VD SEAL Expanded PTFE Joint Sealant
expanded PTFE, it gives an excellent
performance in sealing Fianges, Pipes, Cointainers,
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems etc.
Temperature up to 3000C, PH range 0-14
Size: 3MM to 25MM (width) |